In all honesty I am a terrible blogger. But anyone who has witnessed my months of inactivity is fully aware of that. Alas I persevere. I never had the highest hopes for this blog to begin with, as I am not a writer by nature and the monthly newsletter I send out is generally all I can muster, but I started this at the end of 2012 and it would be a shame to give up on something just because I’m not good at it – that would disqualify me from most things in life!
The last post I wrote was in May after I had made an emergency trip back to NY. Since then I have made another trip to NY for a much more celebratory reason. In July I traveled back for my mother’s wedding. After an intense six weeks of studying language in the south of France (ok so it really was intense but it was also beautiful and incredible) I spent 3 lovely weeks with family and friends before returning to Burundi. The time went quickly as is to be expected and I left feeling I hadn’t had much time to do anything besides updating people about the Lord’s work in Burundi; but I was able to spend a day in Cape Cod with my cousin, a weekend in Boston with my 2 best friends, and many days with my family and friends in Poughkeepsie.
After spending so much of the summer bouncing from place to place I felt that the Lord was teaching me something very important. He was teaching me contentedness in all things. Wherever I am, whoever I’m with, whatever I’m doing I know that the Lord is with me. After being in France I felt ‘oh yes, I could see the Lord using me in France; there is a greater spiritual need than I ever imagined!’ and then ‘oh yes, home, where the people who know me the most deeply are where I can contribute to the Lord’s work without the strain of cross-cultural living’ and finally ‘oh yes, Burundi, also home right now, where there is endless need both physically and spiritually and where the Lord has called me to for now’.
This is not to say that I’ve decided whether I’ll be living in France, NY, or Burundi after my term ends next August, it is just to say that I feel more willing and able to follow the Lord’s call wherever in the world that may be. I am finding contentedness.

Well that’s my first crack at getting back into blogging, we’ll see how this goes in the coming months!